Muscler mes bras 3 exercises to

Build my arm muscles

No, building your arm muscles does not necessarily mean you have to look like the Hulk! So there's no bodybuilding here, but instead three exercises that will make your arms firmer and more toned.

The biceps curl

2 or 3 times a week
Le biceps curl
12 repetitions
1.5 mins rest
x 4

To build your biceps (front of the arm).

Take two objects of the same weight (bottles, food tins, etc.) to use as dumbbells.

  • Stand with your legs slightly bent and with an object in each hand.
  • Keep your arms along the side of your body, bend your arms and bring your hands up to shoulder height.
  • Then release slowly and return to the original position.

The dip

2 or 3 times a week
Le dips
12 repetitions
1.5 mins rest
x 4

To build the triceps (back of the arm).

Take a chair and, above all, make sure that it is stable.

  • Position yourself with your back to the seat of the chair and press on the seat with your hands making sure that your hands are shoulder-width apart.
  • Your legs are bent and your feet are on the floor. Bend your arms and lower your buttocks towards the floor.
  • Be sure to always brush against the chair during the movement. Then raise yourself by straightening your arms.

The push press

2 or 3 times a week
Le push press
12 repetitions
1.5 mins rest
x 4

To build your deltoid muscles (shoulder muscles) and trapezius muscles (muscles at the top of your back).

  • Stand up and hold an identical weight in each hand. Place your hands at shoulder height with your elbows facing downwards.
  • Start your movement by bending your legs slightly then extending them in order to help you to raise your hands over your head with your arms fully extended.
  • Descend slowly with your hands at shoulder height.