The incline press
2 or 3 times a week

12 repetitions
1.5 mins rest
In order to work specifically on the lower part of your pectoral muscles and your triceps, use an object to lean on, for example a table, the arm of a chair, a stool or even a footstool.
The degree of inclination will allow you to adjust the intensity to what you can currently manage.
Get into a push-up position, with your arms straight and your hands on a high and stable support. Your body is tensed, your stomach and buttock muscles are contracted. Bend your arms, inhale and lower your chest towards the support.
When your chest is almost touching the support, exhale and lift yourself upwards pressing down firmly with your arms. Be sure to not hollow or round your back.
While you are resting, do not remain immobile and walk around a little.