lose my belly 3 activities to

lose my belly

Contrary to popular belief, you cannot just do abdominal exercises to lose your belly: you do not lose fat by working on specific muscles. It's actually more complicated than that!
Here are 3 exercises to help you lose your belly.

A power walk

Twice a week
Power walk

In addition to being highly recommended for your health, this cardiovascular exercise allows you to burn fat and improve your lung capacity.

Get yourself a good pair of trainers, put on some comfortable clothes and tune into your favourite playlist!

  • Adopt a straight posture, relax your shoulders and keep them down. Bend your arms at 90° and leave them loose.
  • With each step, place your foot on the floor from heel to toe. You must support your posture.


Twice a week

It is important to have good-quality trainers because the shocks generated by each stride must be absorbed by solid soles!

  • Start off by doing 20-minute sessions alternating between running and walking.
  • Progressively increase your running time.
  • Run at a moderate pace in order to ensure you last the distance.
  • Once you have built up your stamina, run for about 40 minutes to burn off stored fat.

Plank exercises

Twice a week
Plank exercises
30 secs
1 min. rest
x 5

To work the abdominal muscles, especially the transverse abdominis.

  • Lie facing the floor, supporting your body with your elbows and feet (or knees if you are a beginner). Lift your body up off the floor.
  • Your elbows should be at shoulder level, keep your stomach muscles tight and your buttocks contracted. Your shoulders, hips and feet must be perfectly aligned.
  • Maintain the position.