Tone my arms 3 exercises to

tone my arms

We all dream of having sculpted and athletic arms. Here are three exercises for slimmer arms

Do these exercises one after the other without any rest between them:

- 20 repetitions per exercise
- 1 min rest after each round
- 4 rounds


Lateral elevation
20 repetitions
Proceed to excercise 2

To delicately tone your shoulders.

Take two bottles of water or dumbbells of the same weight, one in each hand.

  • Stand up straight with your feet slightly apart and your legs slightly bent.
  • Raise both arms horizontally, always keeping the palms of your hands facing downwards.
  • Lower them slowly, controlling your movement as you do so.

Biceps curl with exercise band

Biceps curl with exercise band
20 repetitions
Proceed to exercise 3

For this exercise for your biceps, use an exercise band with a very light resistance. Place the band on the floor and stand on it so that you have the same length on each side.

  • Stand with your legs slightly bent and take one end of the band in each hand.
  • Keep your arms along the side of your body, bend your arms and bring your hands up to shoulder height.
  • Then release slowly and return to the original position.

Arm extension behind the head

Arm extension behind the head
20 repetitions
1 min rest

To work your triceps (muscle at the back of the arm).

Take an object that you can hold with both hands, such as a dumbbell or a bottle of water.

  • Stand up straight with your feet slightly apart and your legs slightly bent.Stretch your arms up over your head.
  • With your elbows facing forwards, bend your arms at a 90° angle and lower the object behind your head.
  • Then raise the object, making sure that your elbows are always facing forwards. Make sure that you keep your back straight throughout the exercise.