Tone my hips 3 exercices to

Tone my hips

For an attractive figure, what could be better than a small waist and slender hips. Here are three essential exercises to tone your figure.

Upper body
twist with stick

2 or 3 times a week
Upper body twist with stick
60 rotations
30 secs rest
x 4

Take a long stick (broomstick for example) and a chair or a stool.

The upper body twist with stick allows you to work your stomach muscles deep down.

  • Sit down on the chair, with your feet flat and slightly apart on the floor.
  • Place the stick on your shoulders, behind your head. Put your hands on the stick.
  • Twist from left to right keeping your back straight. Make sure that you contract your stomach muscles.

The lateral
mountain climber

2 or 3 times a week
The lateral mountain climber
20 repetitions per side
1 min rest
x 4

If you had to choose just one exercise to tone your hips, it would be this one. Buttocks, stomach and thighs…everything is put to work!

  • Begin in a crouched position, supporting your body with your hands and feet. Your shoulders, hips and feet must be perfectly aligned.
  • Touch your right knee with your right elbow, stretching the side of your body.
  • After each repetition, return to the initial position then start again on the other side.

The interval
side jump

2 or 3 times a week
The interval side jump
20 secs of jumps
10 secs rest
x 8

This extremely important exercise is often overlooked. Effective and fun, it allows you to tone the muscles of your hips and work on your endurance.

Draw a line on the floor or place a marker that you can jump over.

  • Stand up straight with the line/marker on one side. Jump over the line/marker to the other side.
  • Then jump back , and repeat until the rest period.