Tone my abs 3 exercises to

tone my abs

Here are three exercises that will allow you to work all your abdominal muscles. Oh yes, the abs are not just one muscle!

Raised chest

3 times a week
Le relevé de buste
20 repetitions
1 min. rest
x 4

To work the upper part of the large right abdominal muscle.

Use a comfortable mat.

  • Lay down on your back. Bend your legs and place your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head in order to support your neck (BE CAREFUL: do not pull on your neck when moving).
  • Breathe out, make a round back and lift your chest, raising your shoulder blades as high as possible.
  • Slowly drop your shoulders while breathing in.

Mountain climber

3 times a week
Le mountain climber
20 repetitions per leg
1 min. rest
x 4

To increase your lung capacity and strengthen the lower part of your rectus abdominis muscle.

  • Begin in a crouched position, supporting your body with your hands and feet.
  • Ensure that your shoulders, hips and feet are perfectly aligned.
  • Alternating between right leg and left leg, draw your knee up to your chest. Keep your buttocks low and remember to breathe properly.

Pendulum crunch

3 times a week
Pendulum crunch
10 repetitions per side
1 min. rest
x 4

To work your oblique abdominal muscles and reduce your waistline.

  • Lay down on your back. Bend your legs and place your feet flat on the floor. Place your arms alongside your body.
  • Make a round back and lift your chest until it raises your shoulder blades.
  • Drop your chest by moving your right hand towards your right ankle, and vice versa.
  • Rest with your back on the floor when you're done with the repetitions.