Don’t deprive yourself of any foods; eat a bit of everything. Enjoy a treat, but remember that you should only eat them occasionally.
Never force yourself to finish what’s on your plate when you’re full. Serve up a smaller portion and if there are any leftovers, use them for another meal.
Don’t cut out starchy food and instead prioritise dried pulses and wholemeal cereals that give you energy and help you to get from one meal to the other without grazing.
Always have something in your cupboards so that you can make a quick, well-balanced meal: treat yourself to one of those new appliances that cooks it for you.
You’ve got three good reasons for prioritising fresh, seasonal products: it’s good for your taste buds, your bank account and the planet.
- 1 starchy carbohydrate. Varying the options depending on the season: toast, muesli, etc. Sweet or savoury, occasionally combined with a protein-rich food: cooked ham, eggs, reduced-fat cheese, yoghurt.
- 1 beverage. Here, I can also vary the flavours and not fall into a routine unless it’s necessary to keep me alert and for my wellbeing: green or normal tea, coffee, or even hot water, with or without lemon, infusions, etc.
- 1 fruit. Here too, I can pick and choose: fresh fruit, seasonal, whole, in a fruit salad, in a compote, in a smoothie, etc. Juice does not provide me with fibre.
- Fruit and vegetables at every meal for vitamins and fibre, and to feel full.
- 1 portion of protein on the side of at least one of the 2 main meals + 1 dairy product at each meal, varying the treats and flavours.
- Starchy carbohydrates, but also pulses and wholemeal cereals – there’s a wide range to be discovered – at every meal.