To ensure a healthy, balanced diet, we can improve:
The ingredients
More fruit and vegetables
More pulses
More wholegrain cereals
Prioritize good fats (fish, rapeseed, shellfish, etc.)
Water. Sugary drinks very occasionally.
Less sugary products
Less salt
Less red meat and cold cuts
Less processed foods
The food pyramid

How your plate should look
- The more varied and colourful, the healthier and more well-balanced.
- Fill most of your plate with vegetables, pulses and wholegrain cereals. Proteins: meates, fishes and eggs on the side.
- Choose seasonal, fresh and local products: more flavour, more vitamins, less preservatives.

- Shop smartly: prioritise products so that your list of ingredients is as short as possible and only buy as much as you need (less temptation, less waste).
- Cut out breakfast cereals, confectionery, snacks and other products that often contain too much sugar, salt and fat.
- Home cooking: the best way of reducing the amount of fat, salt and sugar added to your daily meals.
- Change the way you cook: prioritise foods cooked at a low temperature or over gentle steam to preserve all of the flavour and nutrients in the ingredients.
- Consume more vegetables and organic and local products.